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Authorized dealer with over 60 years of experience. 

Welcome to our modern car dealership in Ballerup, what can we do for you?

Rafn-Larsen Automobiler is an authorized dealer and workshop for three recognized Japanese brands: MAZDA, SUBARU & ISUZU.

Here you can test drive and order the car you want.

We take all cars in exchange and evaluate your car on the spot, and we can also help with financing, leasing, and service agreements for both private and commercial customers.

After the purchase, our technical staff is ready to prepare your car with any additional equipment and underbody treatment.

We also always offer an exciting selection of selected and well-maintained used cars.

When you pick up your new car, we take the time to make sure you feel completely familiar with your new car.

Our technical staff will subsequently take pride in taking care of your car with service, preparation, vehicle inspection, repair of damage along the way, and otherwise just make sure you feel in good hands.


Kenneth Rafn-Larsen


Contact us here

Use the form below, we are ready to help you and return as soon as possible.

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What our customers say​

Forrygende betjening og god tid ved handel af bil. Jeg har lige hentet vores næste bil og med den behandling jeg fik, så får den nye bil al fremtidig service her.​

- Peter Stii Nielsen

Umådeligt fint sted - altid venligt personale og kvalificeret arbejde. En god oplevelse både ved køb af ny bil og efterfølgende service der er lavet på den. Skal du købe Mazda, så er det her!​

- Carsten Skov Løvenkrands

Min bil har lige fået sig 5 års service og jeg har stadig kun posivt at sige om Rafn Larsen Automobiler, Ballerup. Det er altid god service og jeg ved at de behandler min bil som var det deres egen, kunne jeg give 6 stjerner ville jeg det, nogen gange er der bare nogen der leverer 120%.

- Daniel Andersen


Contact us, or stop by Rafn-Larsen Automobiler

No matter whether you need a repair, damage repair or installation of extra equipment, you can safely leave your car with us.

Rafn-Larsen Automobiler A/S

We are an Authorized Mazda, Subaru & Isuzu Dealership & Workshop. We have the best and latest know-how and expertise to take care of your car.

Opening hours​

Workshop and spare parts

Monday - friday

08.00 - 16.00​

Sales department

Monday - friday

10.00 - 17.00​


12.00 - 15.00​

Contact information


Energivej 16, 2750 Ballerup


Telephone: +45 44 77 15 00

E-mail: info@rafn-larsen.dk